
When I started getting serious with a man with a child from a prior marriage, I needed help. I asked women who had marri
According to statistics from The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the dwindling economy has had a surprising eff
In our society, monogamy serves as the normal and desirable foundation of civilized life. The majority of us accept it a
We’d be misleading you if we said there was one simple answer to that. The more honest reply would be “it depends.” It d
Sure, arguments among married people can get pretty heated even over some of the silly things in life. But what happens
It can be so terribly romantic when the big question finally pops. Men and women alike are becoming much bolder in the l
What purpose does a marriage license serve? Isnè’t our love sufficient proof that we intend to get married and stay marr
If you’ve ever gone through a separation, then you know how painful divorce can be. I’ve heard counsellors say that it t

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