
For many years, veterinarians have known that obesity in cats seemed to make the obese patient more likely to get diabet
Finding a tick on yourself or your dog can be an extremely frightening experience. Not only are ticks nasty to look at,
Coccidia are a type of parasite that all pet owners should be aware of. Most commonly seen in puppies and kittens, Cocci
Introduction You might have heard about a diversity  of pets since ages, but Tadpoles were not so common., The scenario
As a pet owner, you want your dog to live a long and comfortable life. One issue of concern many pet owners have is diet
The incidence of cancers and tumors in cats is on the rise. There are a variety of cancerous masses that can affect cats
Most of the time, weight loss in your cat is no problem. Many of us are guilty of having an overweight cat, and some wei
Diet is one of the most important issues facing you and your cat. It is essential to remember that cats are carnivores,
Some people may ask why cat owners would bother grooming a cat. Since all cats ever do is groom themselves and lay in th
There are many options to think about when deciding to get a cat or a kitten. For instance, you could choose to obtain y

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